Why This Trip?

Here are a few of our thoughts to help explain why we want to do this trip and learn how to live differently. These are to give a sense of our thinking just now, we will update this page as we go.

• We both feel that the way we live now is not good for us or the world's biodiversity and ecosystems.

• We hate having to work too many hours just to pay for a bloated, consumerist lifestyle. We are conned into thinking that constant economic growth and new things = happiness, but this western society model just makes us overworked and stressed.

• We are worried about oil becoming so expensive that our economy seriously creaks and possibly breaks.

• We love the idea of learning how to grow and make things ourselves, and not relying on the service economy and food/goods that have travelled silly numbers of miles to get to us.

• We want to spend more time outside and we want to live somewhere where we know our local community very well and share a lot of things together.

• We believe that if we bring our outgoings down then our income can come down so we only need to work part time, giving ourselves time for things we want to do, hobbies and interests.